London Day 5
Wow! Our first week of a three week trip is in full swing. Today I awoke at 6, grabbed a coffee at 6:30. Woke them up at 7, headed out of the hotel at 7:30. We grabbed a subway to Victoria Station. Lost and confused, we found a Pret a Manger (the London version of Starbucks, but BETTER food) and grabbed food for our 10 hour trip.
We found our Coach tour with Evan Evans. grabbed seats in the back and fell asleep as our coach tour drove through the English countryside.
where we saw Thatched roof homes.
and lots of churches!
Our first stop was Warwick Castle.
Down by the river were lily pads and swans.
Our second stop, just twenty minutes away was Stratford-Upon-Avon.
where we went through the Shakespeare museum
and into Shakespeare's father and step-mother's garden.
The back of his house
Entering the front of his house.
The main street with the Shakespeare statue.
We again boarded the coach, and headed for
our last stop... OXFORD!
We learned that there are in fact 39 Oxford colleges.
Trinity is one of them!
The only restroom we found was at The White Horse.
We also saw the Oxford engraving, where J.K. Rowlings discovered the lightening bolt for Harry's forehead. We also saw where she wrote the novels....(all wive's tales, I am sure, but it is fun to hear about).
We were lucky to be walking around on graduation day. We saw a lot of groups carrying champagne bottles and cheering. Special times!
The two travelers that did not come with us on this trip, had an eventful day of sleeping in until 4pm and then walking to Notting Hill (a burrough away from the hotel) and buying Jane Austen books at a used book store.
We all gathered at a Mandarin Restaurant for our last evening together in London.
See ya all tomorrow in Amsterdam!